LEAD WEB3.0 — Freelytalk about The Mateverse with MONA Gallery

Force Community
4 min readDec 8, 2021

This time we invited Justin Melillo, the CEO from MoNA Gallery as a guest speaker in our 207th Force Open Day. As a visual artist and writer, Justin Melillo has always been deeply involved in augmented reality, virtual reality, animation, painting, bookmaking, illustration, sculpture, film, and interactive experiences.

Now, Justin is committed to exploring the future of art, media, fashion, and entertainment with NFTs. In the live event, Justin Melillo showed us the incredible things they have been working on in this space and what they will do to build on the metaverse.

What is Mona Gallery doing?

MoNA Gallery creates a shared specific art space by developing new drops, hosting gallery viewing, and providing high-quality art displays. It brings NFT to the mainstream while keeping social interaction activities and builds a high-fidelity 3D NFT environment entirely customized by the artist.

As Justin said, MoNA Gallery has announced the start of the Filecoin Forum, an event where builders, designers, and creators who build in Web3 can win $200k in prizes for constructing new spaces in the metaverse.

They also took part in a project hosted by the Filecoin Launchpad Accelerator, run by Tachyon in September to support it. Then Justin showed us the space of the metaverse spaces in Mona through screen sharing.

Everyone can access MoNA through web browsers without downloading anything, and all users have to do is use a keyboard to experience each incredible 3D space. At the same time, no matter if you are a new artist from communities into metaverse or not, you can easily create these wonderful immersive spaces where you can display works and share NFT for everyone.

The difference between MoNA and the other metaverse is that the space owner can customize and share the collections via a shareable IPFS link to everyone. The MoNA team wants to allow more people to participate in this high-quality 3D visual art space more openly and conveniently, whether you are an art lover, an artist, or just a metaverse fan.

As Justin show us, we can mint NFT and build on our space easily through clicking the function link on the official website https://www.mona.gallery/ , make it into a 3d visual effect, transmission via different blockchains, and upload it on opeasea! After finishing the presentation, there are two questions for Justin Melillo.

About Q&A

1,How do you have the idea to create MONA project and why built it with IPFS/Filecoin?

Justin: Our space includes a 3D vision and other technologies for high-quality display. We hope to attract more artists to create and communicate in this open space, so we need decentralized storage tools like IPFS to securely and uniquely store more data and our art collections for as much time as possible.

2, Mona is building the open metaverse which could be the Next Big Thing, but still there are critics who think the metaverse is nothing but a bubble that could soon burst. How do you see about the metaverse actually?

Justin: The world is rapidly moving towards a reality where people spend more and more in virtual worlds than physical ones. No matter what the metaverse already exists and will develop, we can grow up together by providing such a high-quality platform for the world.

In the end Justin shared with us the plan of the MoNA team. They plan to be interoperable in the Web3 ecosystem, achieve more interaction with other blockchains, and work with DAO, the market, and other metaverses.

We are looking forward to these great artists are building MoNa into a metaverse world with Genesis Gallery and its Avatar!

